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Producition  Of Facing Stones Of Georgia

Discription of the propozal: Organization of marmorised limestone’s and tuff slabs production in Georgia.  
Justification of the propozal: Attraction of the proposal is defined both by the variety of building and facing stones (including counted supplies as well as half-studied ones) on the territory of Georgia and higher realization prices compared with their prime cost. It should be noted, that above mentioned stones differ in color shades, strength, endurance and conditions of season works.  
Implementation of the propozal:      Manufactured goods – Production of Blocks and slabs of marmorised limestone’s and tuffs (European standard) on outcrop, that will be transported to Tbilisi (due to season work worsening) and there will be realized their final treatment (polishing) and storing. According to infrastructure and communications Georgia has advantageous geographical distribution: access to the Black Sea (Batumi and Poti ports) and countries of Asia. Manufactured goods should be realized on Georgian market and exported by investor. Areas and samples that are mentioned below are perspective areas and their manufacturing is possible in a short time. 
Estimated cost:  The full investment represents US $ 2 000 000, time of a covering of the investment (at serviceable work of manufacture both duly export and realization of production by the investor) - is 2.4 year.


Fig.1. Marblelike limestone (Chobareti)

Fig. 2.  Tuff  (Bazaklo)

Fig. 3.  Tuff  (Bazaklo)

Fig. 4. Tuff  (Tseraqvi)
Fig. 5. 1 – Chobareti;  2 – Bazaklo


Characteristics of Career Production are:

  • Block expected size – 2.0x2.0x1.0m.
  • Mass (on average) – 10 ton.
  • Expected daily extraction – 2 blocks (20 ton.)
  • In 25 working days - probably it will be got - 200m3 (500 ton.)  

The pictures of Mobile and Stationary Italian machines at career and at Plant are given on Fig.  6. and 7.

Fig. 6

Fig. 7


Location of a deposit or
Characteristic of a mi­ne­ral deposit
Physical-mechanical properties of mi­neral deposit, che­mical composition and compliance of raw material with GOST (State Standard)

The deposit is lo­ca­ted in Akhalkalaki region to the NW 7 km of Azavreti vil. at the al­ti­tude 2100-2200m  s.l. The di­s­tance from the de­­posit along the au­to­mobile road to the Akhalkalaki railway sta­tion is 22 km and to the seaport of Ba­tu­mi is 230km.

It is uniformly, fine-grained ivory-white limestone like marble.   The out­put of fragmental stone from rock mass is 35.2%.  
Units of IV- V groups pre­dominate.   The output of plates from 1 m3 of fra­g­men­tal stone is 24.2 m2.   The quantity of reserves of B+C1 ca­te­go­ry (provision resources)    amounts to 5180  thousand  m3.   The number of units is – 994 thousand m3. 
The rock is easily worked, after polishing it takes on smooth surface (luster). Volumetric weight  - 2610-2716 kg/m3 Specific weight - 2730 kg/m3 Water ab­sorption - 0.22-0.56% Porosity - 1.11-4.01% Co­m­pression strength : a) in air-dry state - 536-666 kg/cm2 b) after 25 cycles of freezing - 428-561 kg/cm2 Sof­te­ning coefficient - 0.86. Abra­si­ve­ness - 0.84 - 1.15 g/cm.
Chemical composition in per­cen­tage:
SiO2       - 0.2-0.91 MgO - 0.2-0.4
AL2O3 - <0.2 MnO  - <0,03
Fe2O3    - 0.09-0.ll Na2O  - 0,3
FeO    - <0.2 K2O    - 0,3
CaO    - 54.7-4.9 LOI    - 42.92-43.36
Moisture content - 0.32-0.4. The num ­ber of radionuclide doesn't exceed the norm. The data listed above meet requirements of the State standard 9479-98. The rock is fit for fa­cing interiors of solid buildings.



Location of a deposit or occurrence
Characteristic of a mi­ne­ral deposit, data: on output of fragmental stone, on gro­ups of  produced units and on output of net plates from 1 m 3 unit, and also on reserves
Physico-mechanical properties of mineral deposit, chemical composition and compliance of raw material with GOST (State Standard)
Welded tuff is of different colors –gray­ish-green, brownish- viol ate, dark-brown, etc.
The output of stan­dard unit from rock mass 36.5%.
The unit volume is from 0.09 to 12 m3
The output of standard plates (40 mm thickness) from 1 m3 is 23. 3m2
The quantity of reserves  of A-B (pro­vi­si­on resources)  in rock mass is 1161 tho­usand m3
The tuff is well worked. After working takes on 1 smooth surface.
Volumetric weight is 1900-2900 kg/m3
Water absorption - 1.27-9.20%
Porosity - 0.5-0.6%
Compressive strength in air-dry state - 631-1416 kg/cm2
after water absorp­tion - 573-1387 kg/cm2
after 25 short cycles of fre­ezing - 505-1369 kg/cm2
Softening coeffici­ent – 0.72-0.96
Chemical composition in per­cen­tage:
SiO2     -64.20-71.80
MgO - 0.25-1.57
AI2O3 -12.58-15.91
MnO – marks - 0.21
Fe203  -  1.96- 4.39
P2O   - 0.04-0.05
FeO   -  0.79- 1.92
Na2O - 2.00-3.40
TiO   -  0.46- 0.95
K2O   - 3.00-3.78
CaO   -  2.82- 4.36
SO3. - no
Quenching loss - 0.57-2.50.
The data listed above meet the requirements of the stan­dards on facing stones.
Tuff fit for fa­cing buildings and constructions.


 Some samples of  Facing Stones of Georgia:

Khoriti - Marblelike Limestone


Bajiti - Marblelike Limestone
Choluri - Marble 


Salieti - Marble


Mokhorotubani - Marblelike Limestone


Sadakhlo - Marblelike Limestone Bodbe - Marblelike Limestone


 Tivi – Silicified Sandstone


 Rikoti -  Gabbro (Rikotite)
Tsifa -  Quartz Diorite


Loki – Granite

Jorkvali -  Gabbro- Diabase


Cdo - Diabase

Kvaishura -  Gabro - Diabase


Abudelauri – Volcanic Breccia

Kobi -  Andesite-Dacite


Veshatskaro - Diabase

Namonastrevi - Syenite



Guriistke - Gabbro

Shtala – Granitic Moraine


Qvachadala –  Diabase-Breccia


Chuberi - Marble


Saburgali – Tuffolava

Authors of the propozal:  Vaja GeleiSvili, Geology-Mineralogy Doctor,

                                              Otar Machavariani, Geology-Mineralogy Doctor.